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Dr. Russell J. Steele Biography

Dr. Russell J. Steele Biography

Senior Investigator and Biostatistician, Centre for Clinical Epidemiology, Lady Davis Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University

Dr. Steele’s Publications Indexed on PubMed

Dr. Russell J. Steele is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University and a Research Investigator in the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology at the Jewish General Hospital. He received his PhD in statistics from the University of Washington in 2002 and began collaborating with researchers at the Jewish General Hospital soon after arriving to McGill. He has not only published papers in statistics journals, but also made important contributions to research in rheumatology, sports medicine, cancer, cardiovascular treatments, and epidemiology. He has a deep interest in applied statistics, in particular collaborating with researchers in other disciplines to improve the state of statistical methods in their areas and to develop new approaches to analyzing data.

Major Research Activities

Dr. Steele’s primary statistical research interests are in the analysis of missing data and model selection using computationally intensive Bayesian approaches. Dr. Steele also has worked on problems in applying statisics to other fields, particularly applications in medical and population health research. He is a member of the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group (CSRG) and has collaborated closely with several physicians on problems related to analyzing data from the CSRG patient registry. He has also worked on epidemiology methodological problems relating to meta-analysis and the analysis of sports injury data. 

Recent Publications

Steele, R.J., Wang, N., and Raftery, A.E. Inference from Multiple Imputation for Missing Data Using Mixtures of Normals,  Statistical Methodology (7) 351–365 (2010).

Hudson, M., Impens, A., Baron, M., Siebold, J.R., Thombs, B.D., Walker, J.G., CSRG, and Steele, R. Discordance between Patient and Physician Assessments of Disease Severity in Systemic Sclerosis,  Journal of Rheumatology. To appear. (2010).

Shrier, I., Steele, R.J., Hanley, J., Rich, B. Analyses of injury count data: some dos and some donts,  American Journal of Epidemiology (170) pp. 1307–15 (2009). 
